This site provides analyses of legal data. This new version runs on a Django server.
The template used is Datta Able Django from In this version, the previous work on the United Nations Administrative Tribunals data has not been included as well as the work on the Cour de Cassation case-law.

The database of decisions of the Aarhus Convention Implementation Committee uses the Whoosh package in Python for indexing and searching and the Javascript Vis.js package for rendering network and graph.

For the decisions of the French Constitutional Council, the Javascript library Treant.js is used for the trees.
For Jade, the work is developed in Python with Gensim, Nltk module, I also benefit from the progress bar Javascript Library Progressbar.js

I added in 2023 an analysis of decisions' paragraphs of based on fine-tuning of a FlauBert model (see Hugging face for details on the FlauBert implementation)
Author : Marc Clément ... see my LinkedIn profile for more information